Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Type 2 Diabetes and Vemma

Vemma and Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that there are supplements you can take as well as changes in your life style that can prevent and stop the symptoms of diabetes? The answer is probably not. So that is why I'm here to tell you about the benefits of supplementation step-by-step. Just google "Type 2 Diabetes" and read the thousands and thousands of articles that google provides.

Vitamins Health and Nutrition

It's now well-known that taking multivitamins with minerals on a daily basis is vital for long-term optimal health.The biggest majority of us are not able to incorporate all the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need through our daily food intake. Those "Starbucks" coffee breaks are delicious as well as that occassional salty snack from the vending machine. However, our "immediate gratification fix" is not what our bodies are literally aching for.....we need more nutrients. The Vemma Nutrition Program provides two powerful liquid formulas that make it easy to get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to form a solid nutritional foundation. Each product is bioavailable (body-ready), delicious and easy to take!


Minerals are amazing! They're amazing because even in infinitesimal amounts these nutrients can produce unexplainable, beneficial changes in body chemistry.* Minerals are nutrients required by the body to help facilitate a multitude of biochemical and physiologic processes necessary for the maintenance of life.* Some of these processes include supporting the health of organs, bones, tissue and the immune system.* Minerals, like vitamins, are not synthesized in our bodies; therefore we must acquire them from outside sources.

Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that Type 2 Diabetes is in epidemic numbers? Our lifestyles are such that we eat our meals on the "run". That "run" is not jogging, or walking briskly as recommended by our health providers, it's driving to and from work, meetings, social gatherings, sporting events, church.....on and on and on. Our sedatary lifestyle needs to change. That should be a top priority in our lives.

Type 2 Diabetes is where your pancreas stops working to its' fullest capacity. Our body is not receiving the amount of insulin it needs to break down the food we eat into energy. The medications prescribed for Type 2 Diabetes stimulates the pancreas to produce the necessary insulin. That is why a person first taking Type 2 Diabetes medication suffers from stomach cramps. This medication is actually squeezing the insulin out of the pancreas. UGLY.

Why Supplement with Vemma's Essential Minerals?

Vemma's Essential Minerals provides what the modern, convenience-driven diet may be lacking: 65 major, trace and ultra-trace minerals in an ionic liquid form. The minerals are extracted from nutrient-dense plant vegetation that has been undisturbed for thousands of years. Then they are broken down into a bioavailable (body-ready) ionic state. This means the minerals are reduced to the smallest component that minerals can exist in and still retain their physical properties and are suspended into a completely dissolved liquid form. The result is a 100% ionic liquid mineral product that is easy for the body to use. This is important because as we age, the ability of the body to handle minerals declines, so body-ready minerals can be very helpful. Go to http://www.sonoranbloom.com/13229094 for more information on vitamins, health and nutrition.

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